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No Recalled Food Here, TYVM

Mmmm. Radishes. I do loves me some Springtime radishes. Crunchy, slightly sweet, with a teeny, tiny, refreshing heat, totally munchable.
And where did I get ’em? 20 steps from my kitchen door.
Know what they’re made of? 100% Radishes.

Grown in carefully-loved-and-nurtured-for-a-decade earthy loam. No mystery dirt. No über-chemicaled fertilizers (fish and seaweed emulsion only, with SoupAddict-generated compost supplemented by mushroom compost). Absolutely no pesticides of any sort. Watered with rain, either directly from the sky or collected in a barrel. Plucked from the ground with hands powered by the marvelous human combustion engine. No diesel fumes to be had.

So what’s my point? (SoupAddict won’t mention that you should know better than to inquire after a point, as SoupAddict is known to jabber on happily without one.)

Well, hold onto to your hats, because this time, there is one.

This year, more than any other year, I love my garden. There hasn’t been a day yet this Spring that I haven’t hovered maternally over my seedlings, or wandered amongst the outdoor greenery feeling utter amazement at the things … at the food … growing in my very own yard.

Like these gorgeous radishes, which I just can’t enough of. I’ve seeded more.

I made the very conscious decision this year to grow only what I know I will consume, and what I know will grow well in the conditions in my yard. Last year was crazy – too much to tend to, too much effort wasted on experimentation (interesting though it was), too many battles with pests attacking things I wasn’t overly fond of anyway.

So I’m focusing on what will bring maximum usefulness, maximum happiness. Like garlic. I have 75 garlic plants waving in the sun. And come fall and winter, I will use all 75 bulbs in various home-cooked meals containing other vegetables that were tended to by me.

In all my years of gardening, I never stopped to consider what a blessing it is to have this kind of relationship with the food I eat. Our society has removed itself so far away from the source of our of processed meals, we can’t even tell what they’re made of anymore.

This year, the red raspberry patch I inherited from the previous owners will not be just a thorny weed at the end of my property. No sir. These berries will be topping many a bowl of oatmeal.

And this year, I will not waste a single apple from my apple trees. There are far too many delicious dishes waiting to be made.

No worries, peeps. I’m not here to lecture. I’m simply here to marvel at the things we 21st century bizy-bizy-bizy humans have lost sight of.

Organic potatoes are growing in a big container positioned in the corner of the main garden. See them all nestled and snug in their compost bed? No? Well, they’re in there. And I can’t wait until I get to dig in the dirt, with my own two hands, on a German Butterball potato treasure hunt.

And best of all, I won’t have to worry about my tomatoes … or basil … or peppers … or celery … or strawberries … or blueberries … or arugula … or cucumbers … or carrots … or peas … or dill … or onions … or shallots … or rosemary … or whatever (l’ve lost track now) being recalled by the FDA. Because I know nothing has gone into these plants but love. 100% starry-eyed, gobsmacked love.


Tuesday 18th of May 2010

just wondering if you have a problem with deer, I have about 14 of them that live at the end of my yard and eat EVERYTHING! any suggestions? your blog is beautiful, thanks.


Thursday 13th of May 2010

My first ever Alberta garden planted this past week raised beds of herbs and a few veggies VERY excited

Lentil Breakdown

Thursday 13th of May 2010

Lucky you! What a wonderful garden! On the subject of radishes, thought you might enjoy this: http://lentilbreakdown.blogspot.com/2008/02/ode-to-ish.html


Wednesday 12th of May 2010

I feel the same way about the furry woodland creatures. I'm lucky, though, in that a veritable smorgasbord is right nearby. My property borders a large community garden. It's right out in the open and in the pathway that most of the deer follow when foraging. By July, there's such a huge buffet for them, they can't begin to get through it all. (I do have a plot in that community garden, but I plant mostly stinkies, like the garlic shown in the picture above). Meanwhile, they ignore my yard. Except for the apples. And frankly, their devouring the fallen apples saves me from having to pick them up!

Rocky Mountain Woman

Wednesday 12th of May 2010

My boyfriend grows wayyyy tooo much of everything and I have a hard time keeping up, but I love trying! I can't grow anything here without extreme measures to keep the deer & elk out and I love them and don't want to keep them out, so I just wait for the bounty from my bf's garden.

Great photos, I am so looking forward to spring!