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National! “Punctuation” Day…

To help my friend and English language-meister, Bill Brohaugh, celebrate National Punctuation Day on Wednesday, Sept 24, my tomatoes and I have started a punctuation scrapbook to the mark (ahem) the day.

There’s the Quotation Mark:

Or, for the typographic persnicketors amongst you, the curly quote:

The ever-popular period:

The much abused (especially by me) comma:

And finally, my personal fave, the ellipsis…

To one and “all,” have a Happy! National, Punctuation? Day…


Tuesday 23rd of September 2008

valwebb: Thanks so much for stopping by. I'll fess up and admit that I unabashedly stole the use of "persnicketors" from the blog of my friend Bill Brohaugh, who regularly introduces me to such fabulous words (and sniglets) as "persnicketors" and "smugacious."

Everything You Know About English Is Wrong » I say “to-mah-to,” she says “I-hate-you,” let’s call the whole thing off

Tuesday 23rd of September 2008

[...] Day Eve, can there be any better folding in (cooking technical phrase, that) of those passions than this delightful post, in which Karen the SoupAddict notes, “my tomatoes and I have started a punctuation scrapbook [...]


Monday 22nd of September 2008

How wonderful -- a blog containing the word "persnicketors." Even without extolling National Punctuation Day, you made my little-old-English-major heart beat faster! Thanks for a fun post.

Bill Brohaugh

Monday 22nd of September 2008

I hear tomatoes are good for the colon: