A super easy, five ingredient dish, Kimchee Scramble has creamy whipped eggs, healthy greens and the goodness of probiotic-rich kimchee. {Vegetarian, diary-free, gluten-free}
Isn’t summer food just the best? True, it’s not quiiiiite summer yet (this week, though!), but already fresh greens and spring veggies, like cabbage and broccoli and radishes and spring onions, have been so tasty and oh-so-very welcome. And the farm-fresh eggs … oo la la!
I love summer vegetables because artisan food-making kicks into high gear, and all sorts of yummy goodness finds its way to the local farmers’ markets. Like kimchee. I had never even heard of kimchee until a handful of years ago, and now, I’m completely addicted.
Local fermentation artists buy organic veggies from local growers, and create the most amazing jars of probiotic wonders, full of vitamins A and C, and a magical mixture of flavors I just can’t get enough of.
On paper, I shouldn’t even like kimchee. I have issues with certain hot spices — cayenne pepper: no, thank you (except in very small amounts); chipotle peppers and sriracha: yes, please — so it’s always a toss-up as to whether I’ll like something spicy-hot.
Cayenne pepper, in particular, completely overwhelms my senses. It burns, oh, yes, and then it deadens my sense of taste and smell for hours. Indian cuisine, which relies heavily on cayenne, was a real challenge until I learned to omit it entirely, or make substitutions. It also gives me the hiccups. So I got that goin’ for me.
I’m still not clear on exactly what kind of chili pepper gives kimchee its heat, but whatever it is, it’s highly addictive. I’m sure the pickling effect of fermentation helps tweak the peppery bite into something that appeals more to my palate. I adore anything pickled. (Is it TMI to admit that I used to drink dill pickle juice out of the jar as a youngster? Probably. Sorry for putting that vision in your head! 😉 )
One of my favorite super-quick, go-to lunches is a 4-ingredient wonder: scrambled eggs with spinach, kimchee, and sprouts. I could actually have kimchee scramble for breakfast — I’m a savory breakfast foods girl, all the way — but most often, I’ll make this for lunch, with a side of fresh fruit and a tall, tall glass of icy green tea.
Healthy, delicious, a quick turn on the stove, and boom, lunch!
Vegetarians should note that not all kimchee is vegetarian. Some regions of Korea use brines enhanced with fish sauce, shrimp, or anchovies — be sure to read the labels on imported varieties — but I have no problem finding locally produced all-vegetable kimchee, flavored with sea vegetables.
This dish is also super flexible. If you have leftover grains or quinoa, perfect! Add more veggies (yes, please!). Pile on the heat with a dash of hot sauce? Ole! Kale instead of spinach? Whatever your greenie heart desires. 🙂
It’s really a non-recipe recipe, so the next time you’re lingering in front of the fridge, wondering what to have for lunch instead of that slice of leftover pizza, give kimchee scramble a go, and see if you don’t become addicted like I am!
Karen xo
Kimchee Scramble
- spray oil
- 2 eggs , beaten
- 1/2 cup loosely packed chopped spinach
- 1/2 cup kimchee
- sprouts
- Heat a non-stick pan or cast iron skillet over medium heat. Spray the pan lightly with oil. To test if the pan is ready, flick water onto the surface. If the drops sizzle, the pan is heated.
- Reduce heat to low and pour in eggs. Keep moving the eggs around as they curdle. When the eggs are no longer liquid, add the spinach and stir until wilted. Add the kimchee and sprouts and combine with the eggs until warmed.
- Serve immediately.
Sean Mahan
Tuesday 4th of July 2017
Yes, summer food is the best! I love trying new things and new recipes. Can't wait to prepare this, it looks so delicious! =)